These are a measure of the total heat loss expected from all of the thermal bridge losses in all of the junctions in the house - view »
SAP or Standard Assessment Procedure, is used to assess the energy performance of new dwellings and thereby assists in delivering many of the Governments energy and environmental policy objectives. Dwellings are rated from 0 - 100, the higher the rating figure the more energy efficient. Both the Predicted Energy Assessment (PEA) and the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) are derivatives of the SAP - view »
The NHER (National Home Energy Rating) is a method of assessing the energy performance and fuel cost of a dwelling. It uses a similar data set to SAP but includes more detail on occupancy, location and appliance use to give a more accurate calculation of CO2 emissions and running costs for a specific dwelling. The NHER rating is not a statutory requirement. It is often used by affordable housing providers to give a good indication of potential running costs of new properties.